Monday, February 25, 2008

Links for 2008-02-25

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

SharePoint Solution Generator - part 1: create a site definition from an existing site - Serge van den Oever [Macaw] - The SharePoint Solution Generator is a stand-alone application that can convert Wss3 web (SPWeb) into a Visual Studio 2005 site definition project that can be compiled into a SharePoint solution for deployment into your SharePoint farm. (tags: sharepoint solution deployment)

JOPX on SharePoint 2007 (MOSS and WSS V3 ), Office and SOA: WSP - SharePoint Solution Files - The best way to do this, is to create a SharePoint solution file - this is basically a cabinet file with the wsp extension. This WSP file can be used to deploy web parts, template files, assemblies, code access security policies, site definitions or feat (tags: sharepoint deployment solutions)

Creating a Sharepoint Solution - A solution package is a cabinet (.cab) file with a .wsp file name extension and a manifest file. (tags: sharepoint deployment)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Links for 2008-02-24

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

Community Kit for SharePoint - Release: IEE Forms Based Authentication Solution - The CKS:Internet/Extranet Edition is pleased to announce the first pre-Beta release of its Forms Based Authentication solution. This solution contains the following features: Automated Solution Deployment - Zac Smith Membership request webpart (incl (tags: sharepoint fba user provisioning codeplex) - The scripts and cmdlets included in the SPSolutionsSharePointCommands snap-in for Microsoft PowerShell provide several SharePoint 2007 administration utilities. (tags: sharepoint powershell fba provisioning)

Janne Mattila's blog : CRM 4.0, SharePoint and ASP.NET Trace - Framework gives you nice set of features that you can use without writing a single line of code. ASP.NET Trace is one of them. I know that it's nothing new but I think that it's still used mainly in custom ASP.NET applications. But if you work with produc (tags: sharepoint .net trace crm4.0 crm)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Links for 2008-02-23

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

Download details: Unified Communications Enhanced Presence Schemas for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 - The Unified Communications Enhanced Presence Schemas are intended for application developers who are interested in publishing or subscribing to enhanced presence within the Microsoft unified communications application framework while maintaining interoper (tags: presence sharepoint unified communications uc)

Download details: Office SharePoint Server 2007 DoD 5015.2 Resource Kit - The DoD 5015.2 Resource Kit provides tools and guidance for evaluating additional features and functionality which has enabled SharePoint Server 2007 to be DoD 5015.2 Chapter 2 compliant. At the end of the evaluation you should engage a qualified partner (tags: sharepoint governance microsoft)

Download details: SharePoint Templates: Preformatted document libraries for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and SharePoint Server 2007 - Add preformatted document libraries to your Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site. Each library is configured with a Microsoft Office Word 2007 template that generates a new document and binds data in th (tags: sharepoint templates libraries)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Links for 2008-02-22

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

How To Extend Wildcard People Search on MOSS 2007 - SharePoint BUZZ - Ramon Scott just posted on his blog on how to perform wildcard people search on MOSS 2007. His script example, shows how to search for First Name and Last Name. After reading some of the comments, many were wondering how to implement search on additiona (tags: sharepoint searchengine search people)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Links for 2008-02-19

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet and MOSS Collaboration Distillery: BlackPearl MOSS Governance Case Study - MOSS 2007 has given us tons new features and functionality to assist with governance of content. The following site is a good resource to become familiar with MOSS Governance. However the out of the box functionality can fall short specifically in terms o (tags: sharepoint workflow k2 blackpearl)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Links for 2008-02-17

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

SharePoint Document Workflow with Visual Studio Workshop Documents Download - It is well established that Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) is an industry leading platform for Collaboration at the enterprise and team levels. What may not be as well known is that MOSS 2007 is also a powerful Application Platform fo (tags: sharepoint workflow howto microsoft MOSS2007)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Links for 2008-02-03

Interesting Sharepoint links gathered from all over the Internet

Displaying Microsoft CRM Business Data in SharePoint Web Parts - Learn how to build portals and dashboards in SharePoint sites by using Web Parts that display Microsoft CRM data. This article accompanies a sample Visual Studio .NET solution that contains sample Web Parts for a Customer Service Portal. This article incl (tags: sharepoint crm)

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